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Major Cities of chile




Machali, Santiago_Chile, Antofagasta, Vina-del-mar, Valparaiso, Talcahuano, San-bernardo, Temuco, Iquique, Concepcion_chile, Rancagua, Talca, Arica, Coquimbo, Puerto-montt, La-serena, Chillan, Calama, Osorno, Valdivia, Quilpue, Copiapo, Los_angeles_chile, Punta-arenas, Curico, Villa-alemana, Coronel, San_antonio_Chile, Chiguayante, Ovalle, Linares, Quillota, Penaflor, Melipilla, San_felipe_Chile, Los-andes, Buin, Talagante, Lota, Calera, Tome, Penco, Coihaique, Vallenar, Angol, Rengo, Constitucion, Limache, Santa_cruz_Chile, Paine, Villarrica_Chile, San_carlos_Chile, Cauquenes, Curanilahue, Castro, Lampa, Molina, Ancud, Parral, La_union_Chile, Puerto-varas, La-ligua, Arauco, Victoria_Chile, Tocopilla, Graneros, El-monte, Illapel, San_vicente_Chile, San_javier_Chile, Lebu, Mulchen, Lautaro, Nacimiento, Canete, Nueva-imperial, Cabrero, Diego-de-almagro, Chimbarongo,

Good Friday (March or April),

Valentines day (14th February),

Mothers Day (2nd Sunday in May),

New Year (1st January),

Easter (March or April),

Labour day (1st May),

All Saints Day (1st November),

Assumption (15th August),

St Peter Day (29th June),

St Paul Day (29th June),

Fathers-day (3rd Sunday of June),

Christmas (25th December),

Immaculate Conception Day (8th December),